Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Somebody is Watching... Anyone.. Or Even Everyone

     It's easy to post on the internet. Especially with all the social media and apps available, like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, or Tumblr, one click away--simple. It has almost become a task NOT to post daily, but perhaps the real task is to make sure you are posting the right things. Last blog post I talked a little about Google, surely enough, the next class required us to Google our own names and see what came up. Freakishly--all my social networking came right up along with an image search that included multiple pictures of me and my friends. This was an example of the digital footprint--the line of information you leave connected to you on different technology. As I left the class and changed my privacy settings immediately, I kept in mind that "privacy" on the internet only goes so far. One may not think this matters so much, but when your future potential employer is hesitant to hire you because something might look a little less than appropriate to represent their company, it makes a huge difference. 

A great guide to this is writer Stephanie Buck's 12 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media. Asides some of the more obvious tips such as "Post Illegal Activity", there are also some really good tips you wouldn't think of that I always see people doing all the time. One of the ones I think people should think more about is number 12: Posting Emotionally. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen people have emotional lash outs all over the internet, especially Facebook, that make them look like completely unstable humans even when the reality is that they may just be having a bad day.

 Another interesting article I read was called 5 Ways Facebook Owns You by Talal Al-Khatib. The slideshow goes over the sites agreements and rights that everyone usually skips by and agrees to without realizing that Facebook then technically owns all the information posted to the site. Not only that, he mentions that the info can be used to advertise to friends and others. It reiterates that private is actually public meaning that privacy settings aren't as safe as people think they are and explaining how easy it is for anyone to access anything you put out there. If it isn't facebook themselves, people make fake profiles all the time and skilled hackers can access almost anything. Asides Facebook, there are tons of other companies using your interests that you post in order to gain a customer database, such as Google and Verizon. Chances are you are using one of them.

Of course, there aren't just negatives of using technology and social media there are great sides to it all too (such as my blog!!).  There are the obvious norms like Facebook and Twitter but one app that is lesser-known and has blown up exponentially in the past year is Snapchat. USA Today gives great tips about the good side of digital footprints. In How to successfully use Snapchat for your career, we see that the app can be used to seek out potential employers by following companies and being able how they use their social networking live, and even how your resume can be turned into your "Story", or your daily feed of videos and pictures for the day. It gives companies and business a creative opportunity to show the fun side of their work, ultimately making them more likable and appealing.

Here's a cool example of a Snapchat story--mine! From this week's class when we got to speak with Cameron Brenchley. Cameron has gone as far with communications as The White House where he worked as the Director of Digital Strategy. Nowadays he is the Vice President at the company Collaborative Communications Group so it was awesome that he found some time to skype with our class and answer questions about his job. He gave a lot of awesome advice like utilizing Linkedln and the importance of a good email. Cameron also mentioned some cool facts like how Snapchat has made its way to the White House and how Public Relations has become a major turning point in all business in the last decade with the huge increase of technology.   

 Chapter 1 of our text "Untangling the Web" goes over SymbalooDiigo, and Educlipper. These are curation tools that help you organize within the internet. Symbaloo works as a bookmark like we have in google but the best part about it is that it can be synced to reuse and share. With Diigo comes the same advantages except notes can be added as well as highlights to make it especially useful in plases like the classroom. Educlipper is the most exchangeable allowing user to post and trade clips and pictures from sites, much like a Pintrest, but with educational value. 

1 comment:

  1. This class really opened my eyes to how careful you have to be when posting things online! Hopefully one day we won't have to worry about this as much, but for now I guess we need to pay attention!
